August 11, 2016: ESC President Tom Walther, presented the first ESC Energy Stewardship Awards to 10 states at the 5th Annual Market Transformation Conference. Awards. Ohio was recognized for a combination of state’s leadership, programmatic design, and the amount of private sector investment in guaranteed energy savings performance contracting in the state.
Since 1986, the public entities in the State of Ohio have partnered to with private sector ESCOs to promote GESPC solutions for failing and inefficient equipment in aging public buildings to reduce utility costs and energy and water consumption. To date, more than $1.25 billion in energy savings projects have been implemented in Ohio as a result of a GESPC.
About the Energy Services Coalition
The Energy Services Coalition (ESC) is a public private partnership promoting the benefits of, providing education on, and serving as an advocate for the widespread use of guaranteed energy performance contracting in public and private facilities. The ESC provides a unique forum in which all stakeholders can work together to address and overcome any barriers which are limiting the effective use of GESPC.