Dayton, Ohio | Florence, Kentucky

Springfield Local Schools to save more than $82,000 annually through partnership with Energy Optimizers, USA


Springfield Local School District is poised to launch an energy efficiency project with Energy Optimizers, USA that will save the district more than $82,000 in utility and operational costs annually.

Starting in August 2017, work will begin to upgrade the district’s interior and exterior lighting, boilers and boiler controls, and kitchen equipment with more energy efficient systems. This energy efficiency project will include work at Springfield High School, Schrop Intermediate, and Spring Hill and Young Elementary Schools. LED lighting retrofits will be installed in the stadium restrooms.

In addition, Energy Optimizers, USA will provide a three-year energy management and monitoring service agreement to ensure that systems are running as efficiently as possible. This project is expected to yield a savings of more than $82,000 annually, which will enable the district to pay off the $775,000 project in just over 13 years.

“We are building for the future by making smarter use of our energy and our operational dollars,” said Springfield Local Superintendent Chuck Sincere. “We will reduce our energy use and cut our utility bills, all without cost to our local taxpayers. The money we save will go right back into serving our students. That’s a win for our community all the way around.”

The project will be funded through the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission’s House Bill 264 program, enabling the district to make these cost-cutting improvements at no expense to taxpayers while ensuring the guaranteed savings of the project are met or exceeded. The energy savings will be guaranteed by Energy Optimizers, USA, and the district and the Ohio Facilities Construction Commission will receive an annual report verifying the savings.

The partnership includes developing a district-wide Energy Education & Awareness Program, or “green teams,” that will include the participation of students, staff and the community in developing, promoting and implementing numerous energy savings and sustainability programs throughout the district—such as recycling, creating a district — wide energy management program and integrating educational materials into the classrooms that will assist the teachers in educating the students on energy and the environment — while being aligned with the state testing standards.

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(937) 877-1919