Dayton, Ohio | Florence, Kentucky

Graham Middle School Wins $3,000 Prize for Green Team

young girl on computer with robotics on desk; STEM robotics team

One of our greatest accomplishments has been the implementation and sustainability of our Graham Middle School all-female “Energy Team”. This team was created due to the overwhelming vocational need of females in STEM careers.

The energy team has won multiple awards for their leadership and project implementations of green energy practices across the state and region. They have received grants from the Ohio Energy Project where they attended a week-long conference and built an energy bike to be used for education.

This team of sixth, seventh, and eighth-grade girls took their learning and developed lessons, for their peers and elementary students. They travel to the elementary and teach on energy conservation, green practices, and STEM careers to Kindergarten through 5th grade.

The team also plans and leads an energy education fair for their peers and the community each year to demonstrate and educate about green practices. This past year the team participated in the Dayton Area “Bring Your Green” Challenge. A yearlong challenge to earn points by participating in “Green” challenges, energy monitoring, and education. Graham Middle School won this competition for 2017 and collected more points than any other school or business in the region, beating out over 600 other facilities.

The students won a prize of $3,000 and have already made plans to invest the money into more projects to become more “Green.”

Congratulations to the Energy Team of Graham Middle School!

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