Dayton, Ohio | Florence, Kentucky

Bloom-Vernon Local Schools

South Webster, Ohio

Project Cost:   $440,722
Annual Savings:   $48,285
Positive Annual Cash Flow:   $9,111
Energy And Environmental Savings:
  • Electrical Savings – 35,225 kWh
  • Cars Taken off the Road – 75
  • Acres of Trees – 114
  • Year Implemented – 2015
Project Scope:
  • Interior and Exterior Lighting Retrofits
  • Real-Time Metering with Energy
  • Dashboard and Demand Limiting
  • Kitchen Walk-In Temperature Controls

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“Working with Energy Optimizers, USA, we’ve upgraded our facilities with state-of-the-art energy efficient systems and technology, all of which yield a significant savings for our schools. Our students benefit from improved lighting, our HVAC systems will see reduced lifecycle costs over time, and our tax dollars are better spent on what really counts – our students.”
Ty Roberts

Are you interested in exploring your savings possibilities?
Call us today to learn more.

(937) 877-1919